Well, after doing some long research on how to make and execute a fighting-style game, I am ready now and to formally announce and unveil the title and logo to the official flash game of one of the most popular sprite animations on Newgrounds, Super Mario Bros. Z!
Here's the official game title: Super Mario Bros. Z: Desumacchi
What does Desumacchi mean?: Of course, it's Japanese for "Fight to the Finish" or "Desperate Struggle", as well as "Death Match".
What will the game be about?: The game will be kind of like Street Fighter and Super Smash Bros. with some cool features to enhance the gaming experience.
Will there be a Story Mode in this game?: There will be a Story Mode as a matter of fact. The story will be a side story, something that won't tamper the official storyline of Super Mario Bros. Z, after having some exchanged discussion with Alvin Earthworm. All I can say now for the Story Mode is that the game will take place after the destruction of Yoshi's Island.
When will the game come out?: I know that MANY of you out there are impatient and would like to know when this game will come out. As a lot of flash animators have said this many times to their fan-base, I have no clue when it'll come out at this point of time. I too have other things to do outside of making Flash stuff like most of you, such as having a full-time job that takes a lot of your time. All I can say that I'll begin production of the game on June 12th.
Well, that should be somewhat a brief overview for the official SMBZ game. Below is a tentative title screen with the official logo for the game.
Until then, more to come!
Super Mario Bros. Z the game? I can dig it. But why are you starting in the middle of June?
NessMasta (Updated )
I've got quite a bit of stuff at work to do and going to be out of town for a few days. I also like to get myself relaxed and physically energized before taking on a project like this one. I want to make this the best I can for everyone to enjoy.