Hello, my name is Jason, also known as NessMasta. This is an official Newgrounds site for my studio, Galaxal Studios, which I founded several years ago. I have plans to make some great things, such as Nintegaball and many more.

Age 39, Male

Web/Graphic Designer

Minneapolis, MN

Joined on 1/31/07

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Super Mario Bros. Z the game? I can dig it. But why are you starting in the middle of June?

I've got quite a bit of stuff at work to do and going to be out of town for a few days. I also like to get myself relaxed and physically energized before taking on a project like this one. I want to make this the best I can for everyone to enjoy.

Sounds sweet.

Can't wait!!!

The game better be as promising as this the cover. Btw, thats some sweet artwork. Make it into a 1680x1050. And send it to me, would make an awesome wallpaper. Good luck with the game though. Honestly, reading the headline I thought it was an actual game from Nintendo themselves. You sold me.

Woah, sweet I was wonderinf if someone would make an SMBZ game. Seems like a pretty big project, cant wait to plat it good luck on it.

That's a lot of dang work. I hope you're collaborating with Alvin.

You missed the simplest possible explanation of "desumachi". It's the English phrase "death match" represented with Japanese phonemes.


What I meant is that "desumachi" is a transvocalization of the phrase "death match". I tried to remember what the term for that is, but I couldn't. Looking it up, it's "gairaigo".

Interesting. I went to this Japanese online directory when finding a good name, but I didn't see that phrase there. I'll have to take a look more at it.

ah this seems like a good idea, just a few questions. why not start at the beggining of the story? and do you mind telling us some of the playable characters?

Playable characters will be announced soon. Though you probably know some of those that will be playable characters anyways; but, there will be some add-on characters that will make their debut in the SMBZ Universe.

Looks like you'll have some competition. Super Nuke Bros.

<a href="http://www.supernukebros.moonfruit.com/">http://www.supernukebros.moonfruit.co m/</a>

Is of similar genre. Would be epic to have two quality fan-made games in the same year.

Wow i seriously cant wait.

I'm not gonna try to hasten the production of your work; because when you take your time, awesomeness is made. Take as long as you need to complete the game, just make sure to keep your fellow fans informed of updates (a site would be perfect).

Spread this thing, promote it like crazy and I'm sure it'll spread like wildfire through word of mouth alone. If there isn't a digg on this, there should.... I just might make one 8D

I do plan on making a website for this game. I just purchased a domain for my studio and I plan on working on that this weekend.

Another thing I have planned is a teaser trailer.

Sounds good man. But you might want to be careful. We've still have yet to see all of the fighters in SMBZ. There might bbe new ones not yet introduced.

Ya I'll make sure of that. I'll probably talk with AE again this weekend on what set of characters he isn't going to use for the series.

>>I went to this Japanese online directory when finding a good name, but I didn't see that phrase there. I'll have to take a look more at it.

I wasn't saying "garaigo" is the proper term for "death match", if that's what it looked like. I'm saying "desumachi" is a garaigo of "death match", a garaigo being a transvocalization of a foreign word into one expressable with Japanese syllables.

Just saying, are you sure there won't be any copy right issues? Nintendo wouldn't do anything.. but just saying

That's if I sell the game and make profit from it, something like that. Might be guessing that adding the NG Flash Ads might fall into that category.

you cant go cumming all over yourself before even startin to make a game, thats crazy. CAN you make games?

have you thought about how bad fighting games are with a keyboard? have you thought about how much the games you mentioned rely on thier multiplayer? have you thought about all the crazy things fighting games COULD do but aren't doing?
are you interested in AI at all?

Id love fo you to prove me wrong, but I can just really see this bein somethin you try for a month, then give up on.

Not sure where you're getting at, but the game will definitely have multiplayer. some people think that including a story mode to this type of game would be more important.

Like I said in the post, I've done some long research on this, in fact been doing it since October when I made my last post here talking about making an SMBZ game.

Just a heads up. You should talk to Alvin Earthworm and see if he's ok with you doing stuff like this.

Read the post, I have made exchanges with AE. He has known this since October 2009.

Just a heads up. You should try reading the post and realize that he already said that he talked to AE.

That looks awesome.

Shouldn't a Super Mario Bros. Z game be more DBZ styled instead of street fighter/smash bros? Either way, I'm a fan of both SF and SSB, so id still like it. That title screen looks VERY promising, i hope the art (of course outside of the sprites) will look as awesome as that. This game already looks like something id even pay for. Do not disappoint. Good luck, i support you all the way.
I'm surprised it took this long for someone to start making one though lol

I'll try to implement some of DBZ style into it such as floating in mid-air and will try that with fighting at the same time. Hopefully it'll be a success.

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